Approved CSE Concentration Courses

Core Coursework

Course Number Course Name
CSE 401 | CS 450 | ECE 491 | MATH 450 Numerical Analysis
CSE 402 | CS 420 | ECE 492 Parallel Programming **
CSE 408 |ECE 408 | CS 483 Applied Parallel Programming
CSE 510 | CS 555  Numerical Methods for PDEs
CSE 527 | CS 519 Scientific Visualization

**Update in Fall 2021: CSE is tentatively accepting CS 484 as an alternative.   

Computing Electives

The courses below are topically organized and are cross-listed with a variety of departments. Double counting from Core Courses and Application Courses is not allowed.

Biological, Chemical, and Atmospheric Sciences

Course Number Course Name
CHEM 576 (was listed as CHEM 470) Computational Chemical Biology
CS 466 Introduction to Bioinformatics
CSE 564 | CEE 534 Surface Water Quality Modeling
CSE 565 | CEE 557 Groundwater Modeling
CSE 566 | ATMS 502 | CS 505 Numerical Fluid Dynamics
CHEM 550 Advanced Quantum Dynamics
CSE 505| BIOE 505 Computational Bioengineering

Computer Software, Hardware, and Graphics

Course Number Course Name
CSE 402 | CS 420 | ECE 492 Parallel Programming **
CSE 422 | CS 433 Computer System Organization
CSE 423 | CS 423 Operating Systems Design
CSE 426 | CS 427 Software Engineering I
CSE 427 | CS 418 Interactive Computer Graphics
CSE 429 | CS 428 Software Engineering II
CSE 521 | ECE 511 Computer Architecture
CSE 522 | CS 533 Parallel Computer Architecture
CSE 527 | CS 519 Scientific Visualization

**Update in Fall 2021: CSE is tentatively accepting CS 484 as an alternative.   

Electronics and Electromagnetics

Course Number Course Name
CSE 530 | ECE 540 Computational Electromagnetics
CSE 532 | ECE 552 Circuit Analysis

Fluid Mechanics

Course Number Course Name
CSE 450 | TAM 470 Computational Mechanics
CSE 461 | AE 410 Computational Aerodynamics
CSE 560 | TAM 570 Computational Fluid Mechanics
CSE 561 | ME 554 Computational Process Modeling
CSE 566 | ATMS 502 Numerical Fluid Dynamics
CSE 412 | ME 412 Numerical Thermo-Fluid Mechanics

Integrative Biology

Course Number Course Name
IB 491 Biological Modeling
IB 494 Theoretical Biology and Models
IB 501 Programming for Genomics
IB 502 Biological Networks
IB 504 Genomic Analysis of Insects
IB 505 Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
IB 506 Applied Bioinformatics
IB 507 Statistical Genomics
IB 508 Multivariate Biostatistics

Numerical Computing

Course Number Course Name
CSE 401 | CS 450 | ECE 491 | MATH 450 Numerical Analysis
CSE 414 | CS 473 | MATH 473 Fundamental Algorithms
CSE 441 | ECE 490 Introduction to Optimization
CSE 510 | CS 555  Numerical Methods for PDEs
CSE 511 | CS 556 Iterative and Multigrid Solvers
CSE 512 | CS 554 Parallel Numerical Algorithms
CSE 513 | CS 558 Topics in Numerical Analysis
CSE 515 | CS 573 Algorithms
CS 598 AK/APK Integral Equation and Fast Algorithms
CSE 517 | TAM 574 Advanced Finite Element Methods
CSE 553 | CEE577 Computational Inelasticity

Other Related Fields

Course Number Course Name
TAM598UQ | A E598UQ Uncertainty Quantification
CS 598 AK/APK Integeral Equations and Fast Methods
CEE 528 Construction Data Modeling
ASTR 510 Computational Astrophysic

Physics and Materials Science

MSE 404 MIC (Formerly MSE 498AF)Computational MSE – MicroscaleMSE 404 ELA (Formerly MSE 498AF)Modeling ElasticityMSE 404 PLA (Formerly MSE 498AF)Modeling Plasticity

Course Number Course Name
CSE 485 | MSE 485 | PHYS 466 Atomic Scale Simulations
MSE 404 MAC (Formerly MSE 498AF) Computational MSE – Macroscale
AE 527 (Formerly AE 598MMM) Mult-scale Modeling of Materials
NPRE 555 * Reactor Theory I
NPRE 560 * Reactor Kinetics and Dynamics

* Added in Fall, 2020

Power Systems, Control, and Signal and Image Processing

Course Number Course Name
CSE 441 | ECE 490 Introduction to Optimization
CSE 543 | ECE 547 Topics in Image Processing
ECE 513 Vector Space Signal Processing
ECE 558 Digital Imaging

Solid Mechanics

Course Number Course Name
CSE 450 | TAM 470 Computational Mechanics
CSE 451 | ME 471 | AE 420 Finite Element Analysis
CSE 517 | TAM 574 Advanced Finite Element Methods
CSE 551 | CEE 570 Finite Element Methods
CSE 552 | CEE 576 Nonlinear Finite Elements
ME 570 Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Design
TAM 598 Computational Nonlinear Dynamics

Statistics and Data Sciences

Course Number Course Name
CSE 428 | STAT 428 Statistical Computing
CSE 440 | STAT 440 Statistical Data Management
CSE 448 | STAT 448 Advanced Data Analysis
CSE 525 | STAT 525 Computational Statistics
CSE 531 | STAT 530 Bioinformatics
CSE 542 | STAT 542 Statistical Learning
STAT 430 S1G Big Data Analysis Foundation
STAT 430/ INFO 490 RB2 Advanced Data Science
STAT 432 UG/GR (formerly STAT 430)  Basics of Statistical Learning
CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining
CS 410 Text Information Systems

Suggest a course (faculty/staff only) 

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