CSE has opportunities for instructors and assistants. This is an excellent opportunity to gain teaching experience and expand your horizons with the software and principles we teach.
- I’d like to host a short course or workshop. If you are interested in developing or conducting a workshop or short course, let us know and we can facilitate curriculum development, teaching, promotion, or physical facilities.
- I’d like to help out with your workshops. We have regular opportunities for teaching assistants to work with us during the spring and fall semesters; email a résumé to training@cse.illinois.eduwith subject “TA Application” including a short cover letter about your interests and skills.
- I’d like to volunteer with Software Carpentry. In addition, through NCSA’s affiliation with Software Carpentry, we have regular opportunities for volunteers as either instructors or assistants.
- I’d like a refresher workshop taught for my course. We are glad to support faculty in coursework development as well as in helping students get up-to-speed on tools they may have not used for a long time.